Zend Optimizer is a software instrument, which is needed to execute files encrypted with Zend Guard - a well-known application that is used to encrypt PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 files with the idea to protect them from tampering with the code or reverse engineering. Zend Guard is used by many corporations that create paid script apps, so when you obtain such an app for your site, you'll most likely need Zend Optimizer to be present on the server where you will host it. In case you are a programmer, you can use Zend Guard to protect your program code and make sure that your site visitors or clients will be unable to change it in any way. Websites which use Zend Optimizer ordinarily perform better due to the fact that their PHP code is precompiled, thus it is already optimized and will be executed much more rapidly.

Zend Optimizer in Shared Web Hosting

Zend Optimizer is installed on all the servers that are part of our revolutionary cloud website hosting platform. Regardless of which shared web hosting you select, you'll be able to use the software instrument so that any kind of script app which needs it will operate flawlessly as part of your account. Using a convenient software instrument in the Advanced section of the Hepsia Control Panel that comes with all the web hosting accounts, you will be able to activate and deactivate different settings with one button. Zend Optimizer is one of these, so even if this happens to be your very first hosting account ever, you won't have any difficulties. In the same area you can also choose the PHP version for your account - 4 and multiple versions of 5, which means that each time you move to one that you haven't used yet, you can enable Zend Optimizer for it with just a click. Because our platform enables you to use a couple of PHP releases simultaneously, more experienced users can activate the instrument for an individual website with a php.ini file in a specific domain folder as well.