What precisely is Memcached? What is the reason for its growing popularity among users who take care of databases?
Memcached is a widely used distributed memory caching system, which can improve the speed and the overall performance of your Internet sites significantly in case they use an API or a database. This is accomplished by caching the requests to the API/database and the responses that are returned, so when somebody conducts a search for a given product on your Internet site, for example, the database will not have to be accessed to show the results and the whole procedure will be performed noticeably quicker. This is valid for all sorts of database-powered apps and not only for web shops, since anytime a particular page is accessed, the application sends a query to its database to fetch the data that should be displayed. With Memcached, not only will your website load noticeably faster, but it will also generate much less load. If any data in the database is updated, the cached replies will also be updated, so the site visitors will not see any outdated information.
Memcached in Shared Web Hosting
When you host script-based sites in a shared web hosting account with our company, you can add the Memcached object caching system to your plan with just a few clicks via your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The upgrade will be available instantaneously and, since the needed PHP extension is pre-installed on our avant-garde cloud web hosting platform, you can start using it right away. To give you more flexibility, we offer two separate upgrades related to the number of instances (in other words – how many sites will use Memcached) and to the memory that Memcached will use. The latter is offered in increments of 16 megabytes and you can order memory whenever you like. Logically, the more memory Memcached is allowed to use, the more content it will cache, so if you have a resource-demanding website with a lot of data, you may require more memory so as to be able to take advantage of the power that Memcached can give you.