We have incorporated a collection of Web Marketing Instruments within your Control Panel to enable you to effortlessly advertise your sites on the web. The sitemap generation tool will help you obtain a complete sitemap of your site. Furthermore, you are able to distribute that sitemap to the major search engines to index your site. The RSS News tool will allow you to generate fresh content material on your front page so you’ll get far better possibilities to climb higher in search engine results. Moreover, we’ve bundled a GeoIP re–direction tool that will enable you to target your visitors much more precisely in line with their geographic area.

A Sitemap Generator

For quick search engine crawling

A sitemap represents listing of all pages within a site that may be used by crawlers and clients. You may use a sitemap to inform major search engines exactly which webpages of the site you’ll want to be crawled. Additionally, a sitemap may help your clients find the way throughout your web site. You’d normally employ a third party sitemap software package to acquire a sitemap for your website. However, here, you’ll get a sitemap creator already set up in your I-Solution Center Control Panel.

Within the Advanced Applications section, click on Sitemap Generator and right after picking out the format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl button. The sitemap of your website will be available within a few minutes and you’ll be able to send it to the search engines.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Physical location–focused redirections with only a click

I-Solution Center provides you with a simple way to route your visitors on the basis of physical location. Via the GeoIP re–direction tool, you are able to reroute all visitors who arrive from a particular country to a native language variant of your web site. For instance, in case you have an Italian version of your web site, you can easily send all the visitors from Italy to that particular web page in contrast to asking to move to Italian after they visit the English version. This enables you to supply your clients with a user–friendly online experience from the very beginning.

There is no need for any special abilities or tech comprehension to utilize the GeoIP re–direction application. It’s configured with only a click of the mouse.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Display the most current publications on your site

In the I-Solution Center Control Panel, we have incorporated an instrument, which allows you to embed publications from the trusted information channels across the world inside your sites, with just a mouse click. Our News Publication tool works on auto–pilot and won’t call for any additional configuration work on your end,

The RSS News Syndication module is simple to customize with regards to HTML and CSS. You are able to customize the amount of news items that will be shown, exactly how they will appear like, exactly how they will be ordered, etc.

RSS News