Dreamweaver is one of the most widely used desktop apps for making professionally looking websites. It offers plenty of features which include a variety of templates and it provides you with the opportunity to make interactive menus and buttons without the need for computer programming skills or previous experience. Of course, more experienced users can create or edit the website code manually as well. In addition, you are able to include contact forms so as to make it simpler for your site visitors to contact you. Dreamweaver has a number of advantages as compared to online website design platforms - you'll be able to generate and update a number of websites simultaneously, and you will always have a backup copy on your computer in case that you delete content from your web hosting server by accident. You can publish and update a site designed with Dreamweaver directly from the application.

Dreamweaver Compatible in Shared Web Hosting

We support sites designed with Dreamweaver, which means that no matter which shared web hosting package you'll select, you can use this app to build and maintain your worldwide web presence. You won't even have to use a third-party FTP client or log in to the Hepsia hosting Control Panel in order to upload the content. You're able to simply include the FTP info for your account in the Dreamweaver settings and the program will connect to our cloud platform and copy all of the content which you have generated on your desktop or laptop. In addition, you can update your site in the very same way and without any difficulties - the existing files on our servers will be overwritten by the new ones, so the updated content that you publish shall go live without delay.